
COA - Council on Accreditation - Crossroads ProgramsCOA

Council on Accreditation

Crossroads Programs is proud to inform our community you that we have achieved national accreditation through the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA accreditation ensures that we are providing the very best possible services to the youth we serve and is an instrument that enables our organization to continually improve and evaluate the way it delivers services to the community. Crossroads Programs wishes to inform the families and caregivers of those we serve, as well as our stakeholders, donors and community supports that our youth have access to high-quality services independently evaluated by a recognized leader in the field of human services.

Founded in 1977, COA is an independent, nonprofit organization that partners with human service organizations worldwide to improve service delivery outcomes by developing, applying, and promoting appropriate best practice standards. COA standards reflect current best practices in the field as determined through extensive literature reviews and a rigorous, multi-stage development and vetting process. Over 2,000 organizations — voluntary, public, and proprietary; local and statewide; large and small — have either successfully achieved, or are in the process of, accreditation. Achieving COA accreditation means our organization is among the best in the field. We are proud to be a part of this community of excellence.

Public agencies from across the United States and Canada have used COA accreditation as a way to ensure that providers of human services, within their states, are delivering excellent services. If you are interested in learning more about how our communities can benefit from accreditation, please contact COA at (866) 262-8088.

Please feel free to contact our office with any questions or comments or to learn more about COA accreditation, please visit